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Mark Sloane - Candidate for 6th Ward - Text of Speech to CSNA

Mark Sloane for 6th Ward Alderman – CSNA 12/10/08

Thank you fellow members of the Central Street Neighbors Association.

For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Mark Sloane and I am a candidate for 6th Ward Alderman.

Sharon Strobeck Eckersall

Sharon Strobeck Eckersall
Evanston Township Assessor

As a life-time Evanstonian, I would like to express my qualifications for office of Evanston Township Assessor.

-Township Assessor 10 years
-Licensed Residential Appraiser/Illinois 14 years
-Real Estate Broker 25 years
-Certified Illinois Assessing Officer - 12 years
-Licensed Wisconsin Real Estate Agent
-BA Degree in Management/with honors/Mundelien College

Shopping Central Street with the Elves



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