Campaign Journal, March 10, 2009


Our Campaign Journal is meant to provide a quick and easy way for you to stay connected in the month prior to our Consolidated Election on April 7th. We also will be using these updates to solicit your opinions and ideas on emerging issues of importance so that I can best reflect your views during the many conversations I am having with voters and other candidates. I look forward to hearing your feedback.


Let’s Tell Everyone! and Neighborhood Gatherings

This weekend we will be hosting our second canvassing event meant to broaden awareness of our campaign and inform voters of upcoming election dates. We invite you and your family to join us on Sunday, March 15, 1:00 pm, at Coldwell Banker on Central Street. Additionally, Neighborhood Gatherings are being hosted throughout the 6th Ward. These “coffees” provide residents with an opportunity to hear directly from candidates running for office. Upcoming Gatherings are posted on our web site and you can visit our campaign’s YouTube site to view portions of these conversations…


Share Your Thoughts

One of the most important activities undertaken during a campaign is the completion of numerous candidate questionnaires that can help voters better understand the positions of those running for office. I encourage you to read candidate questionnaires and websites during this important election season. You can find my recent filing of the NEF (Network for Evanston’s Future) and CGE (Citizens for a Greener Evanston) questionnaire posted on my campaign blog. Your comments are invited …


Aldermanic Candidate Forums in March

As we rapidly approach the Consolidated Election, we wanted to highlight upcoming Aldermanic Forums for 6thWard candidates. On Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 pm there will be a candidate forum held at the Evanston Public Library. Our campaign has also been working on an additional forum to be held in the 6th Ward’s Hillside area. We have reached out to both opponents and are pleased that they have accepted invitations to participate. That candidate forum will be held on Tuesday, March 24th, 7:00 pm at the Hillside Church, 2727 Crawford.


Early Voting

Reminder that the Consolidated Election on April 7th is during our school district’s spring break. If you are planning to be out of town, early voting will begin on March 16th and run through April 2nd at the Civic Center…


Christopher Hart, Candidate for 6th Ward Alderman