The Closing Argument

After speaking in several forums, filling out multiple questionnaires, and writing a series of blogs, I hope you, the voters, have a good idea of what I would bring and what I would be like as your alderman.

First, I bring experience and professional expertise. As Jeff Smith, President of the Central Street Neighbors Association put it, “Mr. Zbesko ... has the only direct governmental experience of the 7th ward candidates...” Or as Cook Co. Commissioner Larry Suffredin stated, “ John helped correct a government with problems and has made a positive difference.” I have emphasized my academic credentials and professional experience as an economist and financial analyst by presenting a choice to you, the voters. “You can choose to elect someone who can explain pension fund accounting to you, or you can elect someone who needs to have it explained to them.” Again, as Jeff Smith observed, “he would be a potential policy wonk.” Given the gravity of the global and local economic crisis, I hope you agree Evanston needs a Council with the greatest degree of financial and operational expertise. The Evanston Review agreed, “He wants to tackle the city's budget woes by measuring city performances and costs with other communities, perhaps revisiting previous council decisions in light of today's economy.”

On the issues that have been discussed in this campaign, my positions are clear and consistent. My first blog, concerning condo development, was posted at the beginning of January. I have written on water and sewer rates, Council budgetary discussions, and the effects of changing zoning on the remaining industrial areas of town. In my statements at various forums, I focused on environmental issues and what I would do to make Evanston a better place to “play.” I have responded to issues and ideas brought up by others, such as the cons of a separate taxing district for the libraries.

At no time have I had to clarify, backtrack, or further “explain” my positions. I am gratified by the number of times my opponents and candidates in other races have said they agreed with me on some issues. Unlike some of the current and candidate aldermen, Evanstonians will know how I feel about an issue well before a vote is cast. Being a leader requires, not only being able to chair a discussion or building coalitions, but making clear decisions.

For those residents who have not yet voted, now it's your turn. Think first about what you want for your city and for your local government. Decide what issues are important to you. Review the web pages, brochures, and newspaper articles.

Then, please go and vote.

I thank you for your support.


It's not technically accurate to say, "Jeff Smith said..."  While I had a hand in drafting, the Board comments on the races went through several iterations and were reviewed as a group, discussed and edited, and then re-circulated, and even the initial drafts were designed to capture sentiment of common denominators or collective Board evaluation, rather than my own individual opinion. Which might in some respects differ.
However I do respect your willingness to claim the wonk mantle. :)