
Caveat Emptor: IVI-IPO Endorsements Are Not Independent, But Evanston Machine

Holy Cow! Was I ever surprised when I walked into the IVI-IPO endorsement forums and saw Ald. Bernstein, Cook County Commisioner Larry Suffredin and our own CSNA president Jeff Smith. Jeff's presence didn't bother me, since I could picture him as an independent.

Grover Less Than Truthful In Her Paid Mailing

Jane Grover, like her political sponsor Ald. Tisdahl, still doesn't get it. Honesty matters, at least it should. As the only candidate to not take donations in the 7th Ward race and I believe citywide, let's compare Jane's latest mailing to her public record during the 7th ward campaign. 

The Closing Argument

After speaking in several forums, filling out multiple questionnaires, and writing a series of blogs, I hope you, the voters, have a good idea of what I would bring and what I would be like as your alderman.

Powers Of Incumbency Are Not To Be Denied, "Evanston Machine" Is Scared

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has noticed street sweepers in the 7th Ward (usually only sighted before N.U. games), actual potholes that have been patched on Lincoln Ave. and Ridge Ave., a once a year mailing I believe from the department of Streets and Sanitation. We know there are no coincidences in politics, therefore our City is functioning at it's highest level until the next election in 2013.
To add to the awesome onslaught of our government's coordinated pre-election blitz of services and reminders, I also received the COE quarterly 16 page mailer, " Highlights".

" Road To Nowhere " & " Evanston Politics "

The tragedy and failure of most of my fellow candidates and all " Evanston media" (print or online) to hold any current Council members who are running for reelection or a higher throne accountable for bringing us to such dire economic straits is truly shameful. The tightly structured debate formats have resulted in a non-discussion of the real issues facing the COE currently.

Dick Peach: I am proud to support Mark Tendam

I believe that Mark Tendam will make an outstanding 6th Ward Alderman and member of the City Council. As a businessman and community activist, I have worked with Mark in a number of capacities over the years.


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